4 LinkedIN Tools You Should Use Right Now

Linkedin’s meteoric rise has positioned it as the world’s largest and most active community of professionals. It’s also considered as an international networking hub. Taking full advantage of this niche-turned-mass social network is key to building relationships with your product or service’s community. Additionally, LinkedIn is useful in identifying the opinion leaders you ought to have on your side during your next campaign! With that being said, learn about 4 LinkedIn tools you should be using right now.

LinkedIn Tools To Boost Your Performance

LinkedIn puts forward a variety of readily-available tools marketers and professionals alike can take full advantage of to extend their brand reach and connect with their communities. We’ve selected four you should consider and begin using right now:

Post Boost

Wrote a killer post? You can boost well-crafted posts to increase post reach and visibility. Use LinkedIn’s internal analytics to gauge what worked and what didn’t with the post. These learnings will improve the way you interact with your community.


Taking advantage of Linkedin’s SlideShare network to disseminate content in the form of slides and presentations is a great way to reach your target audience. They can share, download, and engage with your content, earning you targeted brand exposure. This is also an excellent way to rank for content and grow organically.

LinkedIn Publishing

Employing LinkedIN’s advanced back-end publishing system to release and publish posts that are longer and more complex. Instead of posting directly via the ‘status update’ function of LinkedIn, take advantage of this internal platform to enhance your writing. This will allow you greater control over your copy, as well as enable you to link, tag, and add images to your posts with greater flexibility.

Remarketing Insight Tag

Take full advantage of LinkedIn’s remarketing insight tag. You can embed it in your LinkedIn campaigns in order to track their performance and generate useful insights that will aid in optimization.

Are you using LinkedIn as part of your digital marketing strategy? Found or are using a tool we didn’t mention here? Let us know in the comments below!

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